Sunday, 25 March 2012

Digipak and advertisement photos


I took a total number of 34 photographs for my digipak and advertisement although as they were all very similar I decided to upload the main ones that I thought were worth experimenting with. For example, I liked the photo above as I think it captures the half sugar skull face and half normal face the best showing the clear contrast. Also, the mid-shot is very useful and symmetrical for an album cover. Furthermore, the attitude of the performer comes across like I wanted it to, which is giving her image a dark and edgy look.

I liked this photograph because it captured the attitude of my artist in a very dramatic way. Although, I don't think it's as clear as the first photograph in terms of the contrast between the two halves.

I took these pictures taking into consideration that I would need photographs for the panels inside. Therefore, I thought these long shots enabled the target audience to view the performer/artist in a different light. Although I am aware that these photographs need a lot of editing and fixing in terms for them to work if I wanted to use them.

This long shot photograph is very symmetrical in terms of being able to see the two sides of her face as well as the bed being equally in the middle of the shot. Therefore, I think this could work as either a cover or a panel photograph. Although I would like to use it more as a panel photograph as I liked the first simple picture more.

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